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Monday, December 16, 2013

Boston marathon bombing
Nelson Mandela
China lands on the moon
Mario Jorge Bergoglio takes over as pope
syrian civil war
government shutdown
navy yard shooting 
tokyo wins 2020 olympics host 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

BR - 12/11/13

Well I don't believe that either have the right to but police definitely don't have any right without a warrant.
unfortunately we do live in a time where there is no privacy.
Because they think terrorists are using wow to plan their next attacks

Monday, December 9, 2013

BR - 12/9/13

1. No they do not have that right
2. They believe their customers should be guaranteed privacy against the NSA

Friday, December 6, 2013

prisoner debate questions

Pro: how can you say someone who disobeyed the laws that everyone else followed, even if they didn't want to, can get the same rights of voting.

Con: Why should someone who is mentally stable not be allowed to vote simply for breaking law.

prisoner voting rights debate notes

well I don't feel as if either side is very well prepared, but I do know that I sure don"t want no Hitler votin in america. But seriously, neither side had convincing points to support their side outside of their opening statements.

BR - 12/6/13

1. Becoming President
2.winning Nobel Prize
3. ended a apartaheie

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

BR - 12/4/13

I don't think it would have the same results at all, unless the case was very well presented.
It shows the father cares a huge amount about his lineage which is fitting of the culture.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

BR - 12/3/13

It is calling the pope a Marxist, or in essence, a communist. This upset many catholics

Monday, December 2, 2013

BR - 12/2/13

No current prisoners should not be allowed to vote, however, once they are released from prison they should be allowed to vote again