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Monday, April 14, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

BR - 4/10/14

I would spend $100 on food. $200 on gas and $200 dollars in to long term investments.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

BR - 4/8/14

 In this article, it explains how Obama is pushing for equal pay among men and women. So far he has pushed for two executive actions. He is calling it "equal pay day" to promote the equal pay for women. He is also making it this way for race as well as allowing coworker's pay to be common knowledge. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

chapter 21 notes

Section 1:
-The population of the US today is prominently white and historically has been as well.
-Immigrants arrive in record numbers every year since the 1960s.
-Populations have grown:
     african american, hispanic american, asian american
-Minority populations exceed white populations in the following states:
     California, Texas
-More females than males

Why is there so much focus on discrimination against african americans?
1. african americans have bee nthe victims of consistent and deliberate unjuust treatment for a longer time
2. african americans constitute a huge minority group
3. most of the gains in terms of equality have been brought about on behalf of the african americans

Native Americans
-when american settlers arrived, there were many native americans
-a few years later, this number dropped drastically
-this was due to american settlers bringing foreign diseases from europe
-Trail of Tears: Native americans were forced westward
-Indian Education Act of 1972 attempted to fix problems

-anybody who speaks spanish
-can be any race
-largest minority group today
-Divided into four main subgroups:

Asian Americans

-Chinese were first to come over from asia
-chinese exclusion act excluded them for 80 years
- All Japanese were moved to the pacific coast
-congress admitted this was unjust

Section 3
-opposers of civil rights said can't change morality with law
-1870's-1950'2 saw no advancement in civil rights movement
-Civil Rights act of 1964
     1. voting provisions
     2. Public services
     3. federal funding programs
     4. employers and labor unions
-civil rights act of 1968 (open housing act)
     1. cannot refuse selling/rent based on race
-Title 9
     1. requires equal opportunity for women sports
-Affirmative action
     1. employers must take positive steps to fix past discrimination
     2. Employers must meet quota for minority groups/genders
     3. results in reverse discrimination
     4. California, Washington, Michigan, and Nebraska got rid of affirmative action
-Bakke sued the university of California due to affirmative action

Section 4
A citizen is someone who swears allegiance to the U.S.
Before 1860's, citizenship did not matter
14th amendment gave definition to an immigrant
2 ways to become a citizen
     1. By Birth
     2. naturalization
90% of Americans are citizens by birth
    1. legal process of becoming a citizen
    2. Congress has absolute say in providing naturalization
    3. normally individual
    4. can be done in groups through en masse
Loss of ctizenship
     1. Everyone has right to abandon citizenship (Expatriation)
     2. Congress cannot take away citizenship
     3. marriage shortens naturalization time
     1. Congress has exclusive power to decide who leaves and enters the country
     2. Quotas cap a population or ethnicity to a certain amount
     3. Immigration act of 1965 did away with quota system
     4. Under immigration act of 1990
     5. people can be denied entrance to U.S.
     6. Deportation is the legal process by which aliens are required to leave the nation



BR - 4/2/14

I think the hardest part will be remembering we are not allowed to talk or do anything without permission.

BR - 4/1/14

I think it can only help by making it mandatory, and therefore should be done.
However, i do not feel that these cameras will make a difference in driving accidents on a significant level.

segregation photo

1. What is happening
In this picture, a black man is being arrested by several white cops. this has been a stereotype for generations as even today there is the stereotype of white cops arresting only black people.

2. What is going on in america at this time
At this time, the civil rights movement is taking place. black people are discriminated against and they have taken to civil disobedience to try and fight for equality. Several african americans were arrested and some were even killed during this fight.

3. what do the peoples faces reflect
the faces show either contempt or dislike for the black person being arrested while the back person has a look of hate or great dislike towards the white cops.

4. give an example of how this might happen today
unfortunately, this does happen today. it is an issue that black people are often arrested over white people, and the majority of cops are white.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

BR - 3/31/14

I think racism is no longer the problem it once was, but is still an important issue on america's society. I think one of the main reason's it is still an issue is because people are still segregated by hate laws. these separate the two races instead of bringing them together. Another reason is because of stereotypes throughout the nation. these alone are not the reason, but rather people who believe them constantly.