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Monday, September 30, 2013

BR - 9/30/13

They both talk about terrorist attacks before 9/11. One is a car bomb attack on the World Trade Center and the other was an american blowing up the Kansas City Bombing. The third is about a Government. all dealt with the 90's.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

BR - 9/19/13

I don't believe violent video games have any true effect on these mass killings. A true issue is parents who disregard the ratings system and let young childeren play M rated games. Some studies even show that fps allow people to work out their frustrations in a society acceptable way.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

BR - 9/18/13

1. To stop suicides, help break down on drugs, and bullying.
2. I believe that it isn't an invasion of privacy, but I don't believe that the school should mess with things outside of school property.
3. I wouldn't really care outside of the above reason.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BR - 9/17/13

This shows that we do have a strong diversity for a non white person win, but the reaction shows we still have much ignorance, which leads to a perceived racism, about cultures and where people come from, but obviously she had equal rights since she won.

Monday, September 16, 2013

BR - 9/16/13

50 years ago today, a bombing happened in a church that helped spark the civil rights movement. Dynamite, placed in a black church, exploded killing 4 girls. the klan members were given a very light sentence, which outraged the black community. 8,000 people came to the funeral, but there were no public officials. As years passed, heavier sentences were passed against the responsible Klan members.

Friday, September 13, 2013

BR - 9/13/13

Well it shows that the terrorists were trying to stay alive and make an influence by staying on the news, since the attack was poorly coordinated and executed. By paying attention, we are feeding the fire.

The war on terrorism has been unsuccessful, primarily since military action taken against it often fuels the fires that cause terrorists to be terrorists.

9/11 personal accounts

      The recording of Kevin Cosgrove was very disturbing. Kevin thought he was safe and going to see his family again but never did. This helps you realize how important your family is. It was awful that his wife thought he was still alright. The most terrifying part of the recording was when you heard him fall to his death.
      The photo of Brian Sweeney was very depressing. The message he left his wife was heartbreaking. I loved the part when he said, I'll see you when you get here." He is telling her that he will see her in Heaven. This was probably one of the most bittersweet stories I've ever read.
      The first hand accounts were very sadening. many of them described how the survivors felt trapped and there was nothing they could do. It also showed how they all believed help would come, but it never did. Many of the accounts were to loved ones, which made it sad too.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

BR - 9/12/13

The article is saying how less people have applied for government aid, however, this could be due to computer malfunction. This does not mean there are jobs hiring more people, it just means it is leveling out. While this doesn't exactly mean the economy is improving, any step in the right direction helps, and is on the road to recovery.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

BR - 9/11/13

I think that the government should have some ability to know what is going on, but that currently they are knowing too much. As one person pointed out, we never ask the question of how well they are doing. The amount of personal knowledge the government knows, however, is too much. To be able to look at everyone's personal messages and emails is too much information. I believe public sites and google searches are okay for the government to have, but not what is considered private.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

BR - 9/5/13

I think McDonalds can add whatever price items they want to the dollar menu. It is their business to run how they want. As an ethical view, raise their wages for their workers, however, it is a free world and if people are willing to work for the low wages, they should be allowed to hire people at that wage.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

BR - 9/4/13

There is no clear indicator as to which degree is better, since a person should choose a degree based on what they enjoy, however, engineering degrees make the most out of college. I would like to see a poll on which people arehappiest after college as well as their earnings and if they chose a degree they like. This information will not impact my decision about college at all.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

BR - 9/3/13

No I don't think it's an invasion of privacy. If it is on a public site or social media site, then it is open to the public, including the government.