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Friday, September 13, 2013

9/11 personal accounts

      The recording of Kevin Cosgrove was very disturbing. Kevin thought he was safe and going to see his family again but never did. This helps you realize how important your family is. It was awful that his wife thought he was still alright. The most terrifying part of the recording was when you heard him fall to his death.
      The photo of Brian Sweeney was very depressing. The message he left his wife was heartbreaking. I loved the part when he said, I'll see you when you get here." He is telling her that he will see her in Heaven. This was probably one of the most bittersweet stories I've ever read.
      The first hand accounts were very sadening. many of them described how the survivors felt trapped and there was nothing they could do. It also showed how they all believed help would come, but it never did. Many of the accounts were to loved ones, which made it sad too.

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