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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

assignment 10/22

Antifederalists: Believed in a limited government and had support from the common man

Federalists: Believed in strong national government. Supported by the rich and well-born

Democrats (1800-1860): Believed in voting rights for all white males, more offices, started the spoils system. supported by slave holders, small farm holders, debtors, and pioneers.

Whigs: supported a high tariff. had support from bankers, merchants, and industrialists

Democrats (1860-1932): opposed sectionalism. supported by businesses

Republicans (1860-1932): African American rights. supported by African Americans, farmers, and laborers

Democrats (1932-1968): Restoring economic and social policies. supported by southerners and farmers

Republicans (1932-1968): Restoring economic and social policies, different than democrats. supported by northerners and manufacturers.

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