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Monday, April 14, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

BR - 4/10/14

I would spend $100 on food. $200 on gas and $200 dollars in to long term investments.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

BR - 4/8/14

 In this article, it explains how Obama is pushing for equal pay among men and women. So far he has pushed for two executive actions. He is calling it "equal pay day" to promote the equal pay for women. He is also making it this way for race as well as allowing coworker's pay to be common knowledge. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

chapter 21 notes

Section 1:
-The population of the US today is prominently white and historically has been as well.
-Immigrants arrive in record numbers every year since the 1960s.
-Populations have grown:
     african american, hispanic american, asian american
-Minority populations exceed white populations in the following states:
     California, Texas
-More females than males

Why is there so much focus on discrimination against african americans?
1. african americans have bee nthe victims of consistent and deliberate unjuust treatment for a longer time
2. african americans constitute a huge minority group
3. most of the gains in terms of equality have been brought about on behalf of the african americans

Native Americans
-when american settlers arrived, there were many native americans
-a few years later, this number dropped drastically
-this was due to american settlers bringing foreign diseases from europe
-Trail of Tears: Native americans were forced westward
-Indian Education Act of 1972 attempted to fix problems

-anybody who speaks spanish
-can be any race
-largest minority group today
-Divided into four main subgroups:

Asian Americans

-Chinese were first to come over from asia
-chinese exclusion act excluded them for 80 years
- All Japanese were moved to the pacific coast
-congress admitted this was unjust

Section 3
-opposers of civil rights said can't change morality with law
-1870's-1950'2 saw no advancement in civil rights movement
-Civil Rights act of 1964
     1. voting provisions
     2. Public services
     3. federal funding programs
     4. employers and labor unions
-civil rights act of 1968 (open housing act)
     1. cannot refuse selling/rent based on race
-Title 9
     1. requires equal opportunity for women sports
-Affirmative action
     1. employers must take positive steps to fix past discrimination
     2. Employers must meet quota for minority groups/genders
     3. results in reverse discrimination
     4. California, Washington, Michigan, and Nebraska got rid of affirmative action
-Bakke sued the university of California due to affirmative action

Section 4
A citizen is someone who swears allegiance to the U.S.
Before 1860's, citizenship did not matter
14th amendment gave definition to an immigrant
2 ways to become a citizen
     1. By Birth
     2. naturalization
90% of Americans are citizens by birth
    1. legal process of becoming a citizen
    2. Congress has absolute say in providing naturalization
    3. normally individual
    4. can be done in groups through en masse
Loss of ctizenship
     1. Everyone has right to abandon citizenship (Expatriation)
     2. Congress cannot take away citizenship
     3. marriage shortens naturalization time
     1. Congress has exclusive power to decide who leaves and enters the country
     2. Quotas cap a population or ethnicity to a certain amount
     3. Immigration act of 1965 did away with quota system
     4. Under immigration act of 1990
     5. people can be denied entrance to U.S.
     6. Deportation is the legal process by which aliens are required to leave the nation



BR - 4/2/14

I think the hardest part will be remembering we are not allowed to talk or do anything without permission.

BR - 4/1/14

I think it can only help by making it mandatory, and therefore should be done.
However, i do not feel that these cameras will make a difference in driving accidents on a significant level.

segregation photo

1. What is happening
In this picture, a black man is being arrested by several white cops. this has been a stereotype for generations as even today there is the stereotype of white cops arresting only black people.

2. What is going on in america at this time
At this time, the civil rights movement is taking place. black people are discriminated against and they have taken to civil disobedience to try and fight for equality. Several african americans were arrested and some were even killed during this fight.

3. what do the peoples faces reflect
the faces show either contempt or dislike for the black person being arrested while the back person has a look of hate or great dislike towards the white cops.

4. give an example of how this might happen today
unfortunately, this does happen today. it is an issue that black people are often arrested over white people, and the majority of cops are white.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

BR - 3/31/14

I think racism is no longer the problem it once was, but is still an important issue on america's society. I think one of the main reason's it is still an issue is because people are still segregated by hate laws. these separate the two races instead of bringing them together. Another reason is because of stereotypes throughout the nation. these alone are not the reason, but rather people who believe them constantly.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

BR - 3/27/14

I completely agree that justices should serve for life. This means that they will not be paid off by big business and not afraid to vote the correct way, even if under pressure. I think people should not vote on them either since this would cause them to have to find election money as well as just vote on popular opinion.

Monday, March 24, 2014

3/24/14 - bellringer

Ebola is a very deadly virus, especially in the African continent where medicine is behind the rest of the world. There was a recent outbreak in guinea where medicine is especially behind. This is a concern where 59 people have already died. If this is not stopped, many more people will die.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

supreme court cases

1. racial cases
     fisher vs University of Texas
Here fisher and a friend applied to the University of Texas. when both were rejected, they filed a claim that they were discriminated against since they are white and the majority, minorities with lower grades and less qualified made it in. she won the case at the supreme court level.

2. Religion
     Town of Greece vs Galloway

The town of Greece held prayers before each city meeting. some atheists and a Jew thought this was unconstitutional. it was brought before the supreme court. The case has yet to be resolved

3. School System
    davenport v. washington educational asocation

this said it did not violate the 1st amendment to spend the money of non member of the union before they are admitted for election related proceseses

notes section 2

Inferior courts were created to function below the supreme court.
district court is the first federal court. there are 677 judges to handle these cases
secret courts these have multi judge panels
FISA meet in secret and allow secret warrants
Alien terrorist removal courts deal with terrorists from another country
most decisions in a district court are final
court of appeals is after the district court to relieve the supreme court of all appealed trials
court of international trade deals with cases related to trade and other nations

BR - 3/20/14

I agree with some of both since precedence and consistency are important, but so is the ability for it to change with the times otherwise slavery would still be legal.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

chapter 18 section 1

David Hackett

BR - 3/19/14

I think we should look into what happened for the sake of knowing what went wrong and how to stop it in the future but no america should not get involved.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

BR - 3/18/14

they both want the crimea region for their ports and land.

I believe the U.S. should get involved with sanctions and recreate a more fair election, however, I don't believe we should use troops

Friday, March 7, 2014

section notes

section 1
we presented

section 2
1. 25th amendment set in 1967
2. vice president succeeds the president
3. vice president has replaced president on 9 occasions
4. Balance the ticket is when a vice president is chosen to strengthen president by appealing to different voter groups.

section 3
1. framer's original plan was 2 votes per elector
2. majority was president and runner up was vice president
3. Each state has as many electors as it has people in congress
4. electors became the electoral college

section 4
1. Primaries are held before the election
2. the primaries choose who will run for president for each party
3. National convention is where the president and vice president are chosen to run
4. platforms are the ideas a party runs based on

We're gonna miss Mr. Grady cause he's the best

National convention called every 4 years to decide who will run for president
party platforms are adopted here
party boss is where a certain person or people decided who would run for office
caucuses are the meetings of a political party to send delegates to the national convention.
4 days of the national convention
typically the current president is nominated
typically has a long run of political experience
come from large states and are protestant
good speakers

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

BR - 3/5/14

vice president then speaker of the house the some other politicians

BR - 2/28/14

yes I believe it violated their right of freedom of expression and schools should not have that much power. while I believe it makes it better, the chanting should not have been allowed in 2010 but wearing clothes with the flag on it should be allowed.

notes 3/5 - 3/6

Executive Branch
     -includes president, vice president, and cabinet
     - is responsible for carrying out the laws
4 major roles of president
     chief of state, chief executive, chief administrator, chief diplomat, commander in chief, chief legislator, chief of party, chief citizen
     us born, 35 years old, lived within the U.S. for at least 14 years
Presidential Pat
     congress decides presidential pay
     currently 400,000 is the income of the president
     has many perks to being president
Presidential succession was made a law in the 25th amendment
In case of president's disability, the vice president and the cabinet can make the vice president take his roles
Vice president is known as president in waiting
electoral college members are chosen by how a state decides to do it
election of 1800 was first tie for presidency
12th amendment was derived from the election of 1800

BR - 2/27/28

No since they receive scholarship funding they do not need to be paid as well. as for practice over the summer, the college could open a single dorm and cafeteria.

Monday, February 10, 2014

BR - 2/10/14

1. Boston is the largest city in the state
2. Has 6,692,824 people living in the state
3. State dog is Boston Terrier.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

BR - 2/5/14

yes I think they do since they're providing the food stamps in the first place

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

BR - 2/4/14

1. we would raise half the funds with tax increase and the other half with war bonds from the public and if desperate, funds from bridgeport. repay in the same time as the war lasts. tax increases on now legal marijuana as well as excise taxes will be increased.
2. Using nationalism, rely heavily on volunteers and draft the remain needs no exemptions except for religion.
3. have a roster of who is in what company and have people, similar to generals and corporals etc. in charge of sending the mail to the right officer below them, but just for mail.
4. besides borrowing money from bridgeport if needed, then we will not have any treaties with surrounding counties.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

4 things I learned

can't tax exports
can't tax interstate trade
can't tariff interstate trade
difference between direct and indirect tax

BR - 1/30/14

this would not happen here as the last week has shown. I can't imagine living in a place like that and I think it is sad for those who are stranded.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

BR - 1/16/14

won jeopardy

Senate Outline

The Senate
The Upper House of Congress
Intended to not be bound totally by popular opinion
Represent entire state                                     
A continuous body: never at one time is all 6 seats up for election                                                         
Term Length:   6 years                                
Term Limit:     none                                 
Originally elected by    state legislatures                                        
17 Amendment changed procedures to election by voters.
Before this amendment the Senate was nicknamed the  Millionaires club   due too the purchasing of seats.
Only one senator for each state is elected at any given election
Exceptions   Death and retirement                                     
  1.  30 years old
  2.  State resident
  3. 9 years
  1. money
Other Senators can exclude a member with a majority vote
This has been done on  3        occasions
Senators  have the power to punish their colleagues for disorderly conduct
With a  2/3                   vote the senate can expel one of its members
This has been done    15          times
14 of which were during the   Civil War                                    

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

BR - 1/14/14

The senators are J Rockefeller and Joe Manchin
 The Barbour County rep is Marry Poling

Monday, January 13, 2014

BR - 1/13/14

Unfortunately we are sort of stuck with this reputation, and don't do much to change it. I think we would be better portrayed as just a hardworking group of people.

Friday, January 10, 2014

BR - 1/10/14

I think if anybody's security forces can, it'll be Russia and if I had the chance, I would definitely go.

BR 1/9/13

The closest family member or members should be able to decide
I would not put in the tubes since it can hardly be called "living" and it would be better to die