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Friday, March 7, 2014

section notes

section 1
we presented

section 2
1. 25th amendment set in 1967
2. vice president succeeds the president
3. vice president has replaced president on 9 occasions
4. Balance the ticket is when a vice president is chosen to strengthen president by appealing to different voter groups.

section 3
1. framer's original plan was 2 votes per elector
2. majority was president and runner up was vice president
3. Each state has as many electors as it has people in congress
4. electors became the electoral college

section 4
1. Primaries are held before the election
2. the primaries choose who will run for president for each party
3. National convention is where the president and vice president are chosen to run
4. platforms are the ideas a party runs based on

We're gonna miss Mr. Grady cause he's the best

National convention called every 4 years to decide who will run for president
party platforms are adopted here
party boss is where a certain person or people decided who would run for office
caucuses are the meetings of a political party to send delegates to the national convention.
4 days of the national convention
typically the current president is nominated
typically has a long run of political experience
come from large states and are protestant
good speakers

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