My Blog List

Monday, December 16, 2013

Boston marathon bombing
Nelson Mandela
China lands on the moon
Mario Jorge Bergoglio takes over as pope
syrian civil war
government shutdown
navy yard shooting 
tokyo wins 2020 olympics host 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

BR - 12/11/13

Well I don't believe that either have the right to but police definitely don't have any right without a warrant.
unfortunately we do live in a time where there is no privacy.
Because they think terrorists are using wow to plan their next attacks

Monday, December 9, 2013

BR - 12/9/13

1. No they do not have that right
2. They believe their customers should be guaranteed privacy against the NSA

Friday, December 6, 2013

prisoner debate questions

Pro: how can you say someone who disobeyed the laws that everyone else followed, even if they didn't want to, can get the same rights of voting.

Con: Why should someone who is mentally stable not be allowed to vote simply for breaking law.

prisoner voting rights debate notes

well I don't feel as if either side is very well prepared, but I do know that I sure don"t want no Hitler votin in america. But seriously, neither side had convincing points to support their side outside of their opening statements.

BR - 12/6/13

1. Becoming President
2.winning Nobel Prize
3. ended a apartaheie

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

BR - 12/4/13

I don't think it would have the same results at all, unless the case was very well presented.
It shows the father cares a huge amount about his lineage which is fitting of the culture.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

BR - 12/3/13

It is calling the pope a Marxist, or in essence, a communist. This upset many catholics

Monday, December 2, 2013

BR - 12/2/13

No current prisoners should not be allowed to vote, however, once they are released from prison they should be allowed to vote again

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Prayer in public debate questions

How would you prevent it from being misused and forcing a certain religion on people.

How can there be freedom of religion in a nation that doesn't allow for people to even pray in public or at public events.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

BR - 11/19/13

It was short and had no real strong backing behind it. They thought it was just "silly remarks". The speech was slowly accepted into popularity instead of right away.

Monday, November 18, 2013

BR - 11/18/13

No I don't think it is because the town meeting is strictly government and should not be infused with prayer of any religion, unless it includes all or every one of each present.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

euthanasia debate

The pros believe it will end suffering and just quicken what is guaranteed to happen. the cons believe it goes against the Hippocratic oath and it might be misused.
The cons pointed specific instances where they were misused. the pros continued on the suffering rout.
 well overall I believe courtney and lizz were better prepared and answered the questions better throughout the debate.

euthanasia debate questions

how can a nation who is for the death penalty be against euthanasia

how would you prevent a physician from feeling guilt?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

BR - 11/12/13

I think it would be so life altering to be paralyzed that death might be preferred for me. I probably would have chosen the same.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

BR - 11/6/13

I disagree with it and believe all store should be closed on a federal holiday like thanksgiving. However I understand if someone employees want the extra money or need it.
The US is liberal in allowing gay people the right to free expression. And each state can choose whether to allow marriage and how liberal they want to be. In Russia, they are prosecuted and can be put in jail if they support gay people.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Drinking age debate

The opening statements are alright, however zack and joey made much better points in theirs
The crossfire was once again better with Joey and Zack as they pointed out many flaws in Grants and Simons argument.
The rebuttal was won by zack and joey as well since they showed the flaws with grant and simon as well as made good points of their own.
The closing remarks were about the same for both with neither being better.

BR - 11/4/13

I think since it is making it tougher to vote, people will not come out to the polls to vote since they don't feel like dealing with it.
I think it is not intended to take away voter's rights, but has a chance, since not everyone has a valid ID and it is unconstitutional to require them to buy something to vote when it is a right.

Friday, November 1, 2013

BR - 11/1/13

This is not a justifiable shooting at all, especially since he wasn't vandalizing or even on the shooter's property. This just says that some people are too trigger happy when it comes to guns.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

BR - 10/31/13

I think the letter is very harsh, but that may be what is needed to get the point across and change people's attitude.
I also believe it is her constitutional right since the kids come to her asking for handouts.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Drinking age debate questions

At age 18, we can not only choose who represents and leads our country, but we can also go and die for our country, whether forced or by choice. We can also expose ourselves to addictive substances that are found in cigarettes and tobacco. Why then can't we choose something as simple as what we drink?

If you lower the drinking age to 18, what would prevent high schoolers from easily accessing alcohol from their older friends.

BR - 10/30/13

The trend is that the majority of the younger generation is largely liberal and democratic in their views on politics
I believe this is the trend throughout America as the technology natives are now the age to vote.
This will hurt the conservatives in the long run and maybe cause their extinction as the republican party.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10/29/13 assignment

What does the man being arrested represent?  -  Message of cartoon
Why does the officer have voters written on his sleeve?  -  Use of Images
What is the cartoon comparing?  -  Cartoon subject
Why is one wearing a don't tread on me shirt?  -  Use of images
Why is the white house broken?  -  Message of cartoon
1. let your eyes "float" over the cartoon
2. Follow the cartoon's natural flow by discovering the interaction with the primary focus
3. Determine the audience
4. Understand the context of the cartoon
5. Look for widely recognized symbols
6. Look at the minor details in the cartoon that will contribute to the humor or the point of the cartoon
They use symbolism to stand for something larger
Irony is used to show that something is not what it should be, or that it is wrong and not being what it is supposed to be
Analogy is used to show the similarities or contrast in two things or ideas
labeling is used to show exactly what the artist wants it to represent
Exaggeration is used when showing how large or strong something is, or the opposite. it is used to prove their point

BR- 10/29/13

I believe the fat test is legal since the military has a right to set the standards of who is in the military.
Your weight doesn't necessarily make you fit since you can be super skinny and unfit.
I would have them pass a physical test.

Monday, October 28, 2013

BR - 10/28/13

I think this paper is very inconsiderate of the confederates that sacrificed their lives for what they believed in.
No, I don't agree with the writer at all.
I believe it is an issue due to people ignorantly using the flag for different reasons other than what it truly represented 150 years ago.

Friday, October 25, 2013

political standpoint quiz

Based on your responses, YOU are a… Solid Liberal

Along with 14% of the public

Overall, your political values are closest to those of a…Liberal Democrat
left libertarian

You Are 5% Conservative, 95% Liberal

Left liberal

This shows that I am strongly liberal. On all things including economic and social ideas. I am even libertarian on the social level. This shows I most closely fit with the democratic party. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

assignment 10/22

Antifederalists: Believed in a limited government and had support from the common man

Federalists: Believed in strong national government. Supported by the rich and well-born

Democrats (1800-1860): Believed in voting rights for all white males, more offices, started the spoils system. supported by slave holders, small farm holders, debtors, and pioneers.

Whigs: supported a high tariff. had support from bankers, merchants, and industrialists

Democrats (1860-1932): opposed sectionalism. supported by businesses

Republicans (1860-1932): African American rights. supported by African Americans, farmers, and laborers

Democrats (1932-1968): Restoring economic and social policies. supported by southerners and farmers

Republicans (1932-1968): Restoring economic and social policies, different than democrats. supported by northerners and manufacturers.

BR - 10/22/13

I think they have now lost the disability law suit since he was very capable at pushing over the boulder. I don't think they should be charged with the destruction of property since it is public property.

Monday, October 21, 2013

BR - 10/21/13

1. It's hard to get away because we are so used to it and it is always with us. We are also afraid of being left out of something. We also always have access to this technology and there is no reason to not have it.
2. Considering I don't have a cell phone or mp3, then yes I believe I could live without them.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

BR - 10/17/13

Next is business as usual in congress and the Conservatives are still going to try and oppose Obama care at every corner.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

BR - 10/16/13

1. I am split on this since I don't want a trend in bullying laws to take place since it is such a grey area, however I believe the charge sounds proper
2.A misdemeanor are less serious and don't have jail time but felonies stay on record
3. The only thing that can really change bullying is a revolution in society and the way kids think and act.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

people who made a difference

Alice Paul
1. led a women's right movement
2. Grew up in New Jersey

1. member of the Iroquois tribe
2. He created a powerful alliance between the Iroquois confederacy

Andrew Carnegie
1. Wealthiest man at the turn of the 20th century
2. Steel tycoon

Eva Perone
1. Born May 7, 1919
2. Married the man that became president of Argentina

Harriet Beecher Stowe
1. Best known for Uncle Tom's Cabin
2. Born in Connecticut

John Keynes
1. He was an economist
2. Married a Russian ballerina

Frances Willard
1. Key to passage of 18th and 19th amendment
2. Died in 1898

Eugene Debbs
1. Born in Indiana in 1855
2. Quit school at the age of 14

Betty Williams
1. Co founder of community of peace people
2. Won Nobel Peace Prize in 1976

Emmeline Pankhurst
1. Married Richard Pankhurst
2. Arrested several times for her suffrage strikes

Helenna Rubinstein
1. Founded an organization for health and rehabilitation
2. Born in Poland in 1870

Edward Jenner
1. Became the founder of the smallpox vaccine
2. Studied surgery at 14

Dolores Huerta
1. She started as an elementary school teacher
2. She was a labor leader and civil rights activist

1. Born in 1841
2. Helped spark the renaissance in Asia

Dorthy Hotchkins
1. father was an archaeologist
2. She invented x ray cristalology

BR - 10/15/13

I think it is crazy to want to see little kids fight. The reason was also very stupid. I don't think there is anything that can be done to stop this, it's just a random thing most people wouldn't do.

Monday, October 14, 2013

BR - 10/14/13

This article is saying how protests have broken out against the shutdown of memorials. Each side, both Republicans and Democrats are  using it as political ammo against the other.

Friday, October 11, 2013

BR - 10/11/13

No I don't think it's fair that the state government should have to do what national government is failing to do.
I think Olympic or Zion would be the two best parks to go visit. They look the nicest with the most stuff to do

Thursday, October 10, 2013

BR - 10/10/13

I think it shows that people are very upset with congress and what they are doing. I think the only thing he can do is let time take care of it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

BR - 10/9/13

I think there should be a limit to the amount of money a person or business so that a business can not supply huge funds and have a politician in their pocket to do whatever. There are other ways someone can show their support such as putting up signs or advocating what they believe. People are already told how much and where they can spend money through regulations. This would change campaigning in a huge way by giving richer candidates a huge advantage.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

BR - 10/8/13

While I think it might be a little extreme to completely change its name and logo, I also sympathize with those offended. They make some good points as to why the change should be made.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Response to Grandchild

Well ya see grandson, back when I went to college, not everyone went. That was a major accomplish to me. after that, I was able to get a great job and marry my beautiful wife. However, my greatest accomplishment is being  your grandfather.

BR - 10/7/13

I think it shows little, since no one would expect a nine year old to be by himself. I think it could easily happen now in 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

BR - 10/1/13

I think it's unfair that since the senators can't agree, they still get paid while thousands of workers who did their job are not. One question is what if this continues and we can't pay for our military at all? Another is are we deeming NSA as essential. How is this different than what is supposed to happen on the 17th?

Monday, September 30, 2013

BR - 9/30/13

They both talk about terrorist attacks before 9/11. One is a car bomb attack on the World Trade Center and the other was an american blowing up the Kansas City Bombing. The third is about a Government. all dealt with the 90's.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

BR - 9/19/13

I don't believe violent video games have any true effect on these mass killings. A true issue is parents who disregard the ratings system and let young childeren play M rated games. Some studies even show that fps allow people to work out their frustrations in a society acceptable way.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

BR - 9/18/13

1. To stop suicides, help break down on drugs, and bullying.
2. I believe that it isn't an invasion of privacy, but I don't believe that the school should mess with things outside of school property.
3. I wouldn't really care outside of the above reason.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BR - 9/17/13

This shows that we do have a strong diversity for a non white person win, but the reaction shows we still have much ignorance, which leads to a perceived racism, about cultures and where people come from, but obviously she had equal rights since she won.

Monday, September 16, 2013

BR - 9/16/13

50 years ago today, a bombing happened in a church that helped spark the civil rights movement. Dynamite, placed in a black church, exploded killing 4 girls. the klan members were given a very light sentence, which outraged the black community. 8,000 people came to the funeral, but there were no public officials. As years passed, heavier sentences were passed against the responsible Klan members.

Friday, September 13, 2013

BR - 9/13/13

Well it shows that the terrorists were trying to stay alive and make an influence by staying on the news, since the attack was poorly coordinated and executed. By paying attention, we are feeding the fire.

The war on terrorism has been unsuccessful, primarily since military action taken against it often fuels the fires that cause terrorists to be terrorists.

9/11 personal accounts

      The recording of Kevin Cosgrove was very disturbing. Kevin thought he was safe and going to see his family again but never did. This helps you realize how important your family is. It was awful that his wife thought he was still alright. The most terrifying part of the recording was when you heard him fall to his death.
      The photo of Brian Sweeney was very depressing. The message he left his wife was heartbreaking. I loved the part when he said, I'll see you when you get here." He is telling her that he will see her in Heaven. This was probably one of the most bittersweet stories I've ever read.
      The first hand accounts were very sadening. many of them described how the survivors felt trapped and there was nothing they could do. It also showed how they all believed help would come, but it never did. Many of the accounts were to loved ones, which made it sad too.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

BR - 9/12/13

The article is saying how less people have applied for government aid, however, this could be due to computer malfunction. This does not mean there are jobs hiring more people, it just means it is leveling out. While this doesn't exactly mean the economy is improving, any step in the right direction helps, and is on the road to recovery.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

BR - 9/11/13

I think that the government should have some ability to know what is going on, but that currently they are knowing too much. As one person pointed out, we never ask the question of how well they are doing. The amount of personal knowledge the government knows, however, is too much. To be able to look at everyone's personal messages and emails is too much information. I believe public sites and google searches are okay for the government to have, but not what is considered private.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

BR - 9/5/13

I think McDonalds can add whatever price items they want to the dollar menu. It is their business to run how they want. As an ethical view, raise their wages for their workers, however, it is a free world and if people are willing to work for the low wages, they should be allowed to hire people at that wage.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

BR - 9/4/13

There is no clear indicator as to which degree is better, since a person should choose a degree based on what they enjoy, however, engineering degrees make the most out of college. I would like to see a poll on which people arehappiest after college as well as their earnings and if they chose a degree they like. This information will not impact my decision about college at all.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

BR - 9/3/13

No I don't think it's an invasion of privacy. If it is on a public site or social media site, then it is open to the public, including the government.

Friday, August 30, 2013

BR - 8/30/13

I think it is ridiculous that places are still have racist issues. The establishment could easily have told the woman that if she was threatened, she could leave.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I have a dream assignment

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character."

This quote signifies how he believed that the color of someones skin meant more than what they did. someone who was white would have more oppurtunities, or be chosen first because of their color, not their ability.

This pertains to the time period because of the segregation that was taking place. Black people were not afforded the same oppurtunities as white people.

BR - 8/29/13

1. He refered to lincoln similarly to how lincoln reffered to the American Revolution during his Gettysburg address.
2. He sais how America has not followed the constitution.
3. He refers to the justice system as a bank and how they have come to cash their check.
4. He lists things that he wants to see changed.
5. He talks about his vision for the future and refers to it as his dream.
6. He talks about wanting to see a time when black and white people can be seen together.
7. He repeats let freedom ring and refers to several racist places.
8. We've been issued a bad check.
9. We refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.
10. I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

BR - 8/27/13

I believe that the boys should still be tried as juveniles. They are still underage and should be tried appropriately. I also believe that their identity should remain a secret since the public has no need to know who they are until the trials. there may not be much of anything society can do to prevent this without invading our privacy or affecting our freedoms.